The Play

Panache by Don Gordon

The Director

David Vale

The Story

Charles Trafalgar's silver Mercedes needs an appropriate license plate. And with his birthday coming up, his Scarsdale housewife Kathleen believes that one with "Panache" would be the perfect gift. Unfortunately, the "Pancake" plate she receives through an obvious bureaucratic foul up won't do at all. Clearly the Brooklyn short-order cook who received the "Panache" plate can be reasoned with. But Harry Baldwin is not quite the short-order cook Kathleen Trafalgar expects and her birthday idea doesn't emanate quite the panache she thought. And, as she comes to realize, neither does Charles. Meet some of the characters in this romantic comedy:

The Cast

Behind the Scenes

To take a tour behind the scenes as we rehearse this play and learn tidbits about the characters in the process click here.


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