Airport Grille, a New Comedy

Written and Directed by David Vale

The Airport Grille is a recipe for disaster. Located in a rural Montana town that doesn’t even have an airport, the small cafe is in need of a reboot. And the owners have arranged for the reality show, Dining Disasters, to provide one. But these same owners have escaped to Mexico, shooting begins tomorrow, and no one has bothered to tell the employees. While the staff scramble to hold on to what has become their source of livelihood, and even more importantly an anchor to their lives, mysterious powers across the country debate whether the Grille should remain a restaurant or be turned into a laundromat or a real estate office. Or even a casino, where the existing staff may have to wear skirts so short their boobs pop out. Of course even this presumes that the “French” chef doesn’t blow the place up with his penchant for Flambe’. The Grille is twenty years old, but the next three weeks will decide its future.

A Workshop for Community Theater Actors

Airport Grille is a classic comedy based on realistic characters in a realistic environment. It has elements of humor, drama, and romance, all integrated into a lighthearted comedy based on believable characters in believable situations.

Written by local playwright, David Vale, it was created as a training vehicle intended to provide community members new to acting and/or directing with opportunities to develop new skills. The play contains roles of various sizes and difficulties and is structured to accommodate those who may not have time to participate in a typical rehearsal schedule.

As a new play intended for new participants, rehearsals will begin with a series of three workshop sessions that occur weekly. These sessions, not quite auditions and not quite rehearsals, will provide participants opportunities to read sections of the play in character. These readings will help fine tune scenes of the play and will provide a chance for actors to informally try out some of the roles. Several experienced actors and directors will be available to offer coaching and suggestions to new actors.

We, the Bigfork Community Players, believe that community theater should be a social activity for the community and that it should be a lot of fun for the participants. Yes, it is a bit of work. But the distinction between work and play is a matter of fun and pay. Play is fun and you don't get paid to do it. Community theater is play. Come play with us!

The Workshop Location

Bigfork Community Players' Rehearsal Hall
33606 Quarter Circle Way, about three miles south of the Bigfork bridge, just off of Hwy 35
The large shop building at the top of the hill

Dates and Times

January 14, 21, & 28 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Rehearsals will be scheduled Tuesdays through Thursdays, starting February 4.
Actors will rehearse 1-3 nights a week, depending on their roles.
The play will run for two weekends starting April 18.

Who Should Come

Anyone who has acted, would like to consider acting, or maybe just wants to be part of a theatrical production should come. We hope you will join us for all three sessions, but come as you can.

How to Sign Up

Send us an email to Tell us that you're coming and your favorite kind of cookies. We'll email you more information.

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